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Welcome to the JMS Guidance Office:

Students: Need to see a counselor? 

Use this form

Enrolling a student new to CPS, please have the following documents:

The easiest way to enroll is online. However, paper copies of the CPS enrollment application are available at the school if needed. 

The JMS Lottery opens every fall in October for the following school year. 

*Transportation is provided for all lottery students.

*Once a student is accepted through the lottery process, they will be eligible to attend JMS for the remainder of their middle school career. If a lottery family moves, they should notify the registrar as soon as possible with updated proof of residency (POR) or update their address via HAC and upload their current POR. 

New and Existing Student Course Request Forms:

Apply for AVID using this link.

  • Birth Record: Birth certificate, Visa, Passport, or Hospital verification letter
  • Parent/Legal Guardian's Proof of Residence: Signed lease, Deed/Warranty to the house, or Utility bill (gas/water/electric)
  • Immunization record
  • Families with current lottery elementary students should complete a CPS Lottery Transfer request.  These forms are managed by the lottery elementary schools.
  • Families with current JMS students wishing to enroll a sibling:
    • Your students must attend Jefferson Middle School the same year to qualify for a sibling request
    • You will need to complete a Sibling Transfer Request form and turn it in to the registrar at JMS
  • Families residing outside of the Jefferson Middle School attendance area are encouraged to apply for the lottery online

5th Grade Presentation

Middle School Course Descriptions

2023-2024 7th Grade Course Requests

2023-2024 8th Grade Course Requests

2023-2024 STEAM Electives

Guidance Office Main Phone: 573-214-3212

Guidance Office Fax: 573-214-3396

Guidance Calendar